Bread Making Retreat

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  • Precious Blood Renewal Center
    2120 St. Gaspar Way
    Liberty, Missouri 64068

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  • We suggest $15 per person to cover expenses.

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    An morning of bread making and prayer for community

    “They devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to the communal life, to the breaking of the bread and to the prayers.”

    — Acts of the Apostles 2:42

    Bread Making Retreat
    April 5 (Saturday) | 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.

    Led by Lucia Ferrara

    Inspired by Acts 2:42, we’ll spend the morning making (and breaking!) bread, in fellowshipand prayer. This morning is designed for each participant to be hands-on and heart-in!


    There will be time for fellowship, reflection and prayer during the kneading and rising, shaping and baking of the dough. Quiet time for silent prayer, journaling or one-on-one sharing will culminate with an invitation to be “eucharist” for one another. The day concludes with a simple meal of bread and soup.

    This a perfect group activity to share with grandchildren or grandparents or older adults. Invite your mother and sisters. Teens are also welcome!

    A free will offering will be accepted for the program. We suggest $15 per person to cover expenses. Pay what you can. No one is turned away.

    Photo 103846214 | Bread Making © Tanyalev1978 |

    This is the bread making retreat we did in September 2024.
    About two dozen folks young and old joined us for the bread making retreat we did in Septebmer 2024.