Precious Blood Renewal Center
2120 St. Gaspar Way
Liberty, Missouri 64068
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We suggest $15 per person to cover expenses.
“They devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to the communal life, to the breaking of the bread and to the prayers.”
— Acts of the Apostles 2:42
Bread Making Retreat
April 5 (Saturday) | 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Led by Lucia Ferrara
Inspired by Acts 2:42, we’ll spend the morning making (and breaking!) bread, in fellowshipand prayer. This morning is designed for each participant to be hands-on and heart-in!
There will be time for fellowship, reflection and prayer during the kneading and rising, shaping and baking of the dough. Quiet time for silent prayer, journaling or one-on-one sharing will culminate with an invitation to be “eucharist” for one another. The day concludes with a simple meal of bread and soup.
This a perfect group activity to share with grandchildren or grandparents or older adults. Invite your mother and sisters. Teens are also welcome!
A free will offering will be accepted for the program. We suggest $15 per person to cover expenses. Pay what you can. No one is turned away.
Photo 103846214 | Bread Making © Tanyalev1978 |