Depolarizing Ourselves: The first steps toward civil engagement

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    The first steps toward civil engagement

    For people of faith, who understand that civil discourse begins in recognizing the image of God in our conversational partner. Mutual respect, not agreement, is an essential key to a healthy discussion. This workshop addresses how each of us may inadvertently be complicit in or possibly even encourage polarization.

    To Register visit: Or contact your local Companion Convener

    What you will experience?

    Depolarizing Ourselves is a 90-minute workshop designed to help lessen the effects of polarization when you encounter them in your conversations. We can have healthy disagreements over issues or philosophy. We must resist seeing larger groups of ordinary people on the other side of our own politics as enemies.

    Who Can Attend?

    Anyone interested in examining their own inner polarization

    • Those who wish to become more aware of their own “inner polarizer”
    • Suggestions for how to interact without demonizing, dismissing, or stereotyping large swaths of the population.

    In our current political climate, much of our conflict stems not from healthy disagreement over policies, issues, or philosophy. It’s created by emotional, rancor-escalating, and highly polarizing conversations that we have with others.

    This work-shop will help you reframe how you view the other side in the face of disagreements around politics, or any other subject. Successfully “taming” our inner polarizer starts with recognizing our tendencies to make harmful generalizations about the other side. This requires acknowledging how we often attribute negative intent and motivations to the other side without first trying to understand them.

    Cosponsored by Precious Blood Renewal Center, Precious Blood Spirituality Institute, Precious Blood Companions and Braver Angels.

    Sunday, September 15, 2024
    1:30pm to 4:00pm
    Precious Blood Renewal Center
    2130 Saint Gaspar Way, Liberty, MO

    To Register visit: Or contact your local Companion Convener