Waking Up White Book Study
September 6, 2023
What is racism and how does it affect me? What is white privilege and how does it affect me? These are some of the questions we will explore while reading and discussing Debby Irving’s book Waking Up White and Finding Myself in the Story of Race.

Reclaiming the Romance
September 30, 2023
An afternoon retreat for married couples old, new and in between, hoping to enrich their lives together. Begins with lunch and ends with Mass.

No Guilty Bystander: The Extraordinary Life of Bishop Thomas Gumbleton
July 27, 2023
Watch Party! Orbis Books is releasing a new, major biography of Bishop Tom Gumbleton this summer. They are hosting a launch party for the book in Detroit with the authors and Bishop Gumbleton as guests of honor. We’ll be watching the livestream of that event. Join Us!

Introduction to Centering Prayer
June 10, 2023 – June 17, 2023
Learn more about how to practice this form of silent prayer rooted in ancient Christian tradition. It is a remarkably simple method, related to meditation, that opens one to God’s gift of contemplative prayer. A two-part workshop.

The Eucharistic Spirituality of Teilhard de Chardin
February 23, 2023 – March 23, 2023
We will examine Eucharistic theology and practice prayer forms in light of the spirituality of the French Jesuit Teilhard de Chardin, who saw the Eucharist as a living symbol of the ongoing incarnation of the cosmos.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2023
January 24, 2023
The Renewal Center and the Liberty-Area Ministerial Alliance will host prayer and study events during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, an international observance jointly organized by the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and the World Council of Churches.

Book Study: The Universal Christ by Richard Rohr
October 18, 2022 – May 16, 2023
Facilitated by Fr. Garry Richmeier CPPS Drawing on scripture, history, and spiritual practice, Richard Rohr articulates a transformative view of Jesus Christ as a portrait of God’s constant, unfolding work in the world.

Letting Go of Nothing
July 14, 2022 – August 4, 2022
Learn how to let go of the thoughts and feelings that block happiness, impede change, and hinder self-acceptance. Based on Peter Russell’s book Letting Go of Nothing: Relax Your Mind and Discover the Wonder of Your True Nature.

The Inclusive Community: Jesus in Luke’s Gospel
February 12, 2022 – February 15, 2022
Who was the evangelist we call Luke? Why did he write his gospel? We will study these questions and explore the personal meaning of the scriptures by focusing on the lectionary readings from the Gospel of Luke that we will hear during Sunday liturgies in 2022.

Sacred Church – Sinful Church: Creating a community of lamentation and hope
November 20, 2021 – November 21, 2021
A weekend retreat for folks who have been hurt by the church they love. Using shared storytelling and prayer, Fr. Bill Nordenbrock will lead participants through lamentation to renewed hope.