
Taizé for December: Advent Anticipation

December 2, 2021

In-person offering. An ecumenical, meditative prayer experience using music, chants and scripture. The service will also be live-streamed.

Taizé for November: Native American Heritage Month

November 4, 2021

We gather in November to honor our indigenous brothers and sister at the start of Native American Heritage Month. Our November Taizé prayer will incorporate elements of Native American prayer. We will praise God and pray for healing among nations.

Faith in Action: Missionary Work in Tanzania

October 25, 2021

Fr. Tim Coday updates the community on his ministry in the Tanzanian missions, especially his work at the Malongwe health facility. He will show photographs and videos and tell lots of stories.

Taizé for October: Caring for God’s Creation

October 7, 2021

We gather in October to praise our Maker, the One who loved the world into being, the One who breathes life into all things that live and made us stewards of creation. An icon of St. Francis, patron saint of ecology, will help focus our meditation.

Respect Life Challenge: A Call to Action

October 30, 2021

Join the Renewal Center on Saturday mornings in October for a series of discussions marking Respect Life Month. Meet people active in ministries that defend the “incomparable and inviolable worth of every human life.” Topics include: elder abuse, gun violence, mothers of homicide victims, the death penalty and more. An in-person and Zoom event.

Repairers of the Breach: Reconciling Division, Healing Community

September 25, 2021

Like the early church in Corinth, we struggle with division and disunity, but St. Paul tells us that we have been given “the ministry of reconciliation” (2 Corinthians 5, 18). This day of reflection will explore what that means and what we need for that ministry.

Taizé for September: Prayers for the New School Year

September 2, 2021

On Sept 2, we gather to prayer that Christ the Teacher will send the Holy Spirit for this new school year. We need the Holy Spirit not just in our classrooms, but in our daily circles of activity: in family life, at work, at church and in our social activities. Come, Holy Spirit, come.

Taizé for August: Uniting Divided Communities

August 5, 2021

We gather in August to pray for unity in this time of division and discord in our church, country and world. On Aug. 5, we will pray for unity and recommit ourselves to working for reconciliation and peace in our communities.

Taizé for July: For healing and renewal

July 1, 2021

In-person offerings resume July 1 with an ecumenical, meditative prayer experience using music, chants and scripture. The service will also be live-streamed. The theme: prayers for healing and renewal.