Precious Blood Renewal Center
2120 St. Gaspar Way
Liberty, Missouri 64068
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Any offering. $10 per sesion suggested.
Tuesdays of Lent | March 11 to April 8
6:30 – 8 p.m. central time
In-person and via Zoom
Led by Fr. Ron Will, CPPS
In his latest encyclical, “Dilexit Nos” (He Loved Us), Pope Francis reminds us of the unconditional and never-failing love of Jesus Christ for all of us. When we open ourselves to this love, we can become the ambassadors of Christ that we are called to be by our baptism, and we can help change our own hearts as well as the hearts of others.
Pope Francis reflects on how the Sacred Heart is a symbol of how much God loves us. God invites us to experience that love and then share that love in our personal living situations.
Fr. Ron invites you to join him on the five Tuesdays of Lent, beginning March 11. We will read one chapter of the encyclical each week, discuss it, pray over it, and apply it to our personal lives. We will learn how to grow in our ability to love others in the specific situations in our personal lives.
When we find ourselves consumed by the busyness and noise of everyday life, we lose sight of the mystery and beauty of the part of us that rests with God
“In the deepest fiber of our being,” Pope Francis says, “we were made to love and to be loved.” He points out that the heart is our very core – where the body, mind, and soul all come together to be the person God has created us to be. We are here to do something unique in God’s plan. When we take time to listen to what God is saying in our heart, we can discover how God’s love can become visible through us and shared with everyone. If we devalue the heart, we also devalue what it means to speak from the heart, to act with the heart, to cultivate and heal the heart.
This series will lead us into Holy Week, and we will be prepared to walk more personally with Jesus during his Passion.
Local religious bookstores have print copies of “Dilexit Nos.” Or you can download a pdf copy of the encyclical from the Vatican. Use this link.
If you need help obtaining a copy of “Dilexit Nos,” contact the Renewal Center using the email or phone number listed below.