A Day with the Sunday Gospels of Matthew Nov 9

This day is designed for all people, but especially for Lectors and Preachers. For the new liturgical year, which begins with Advent Dec. 1, the Sunday Gospels and 96 weekday readings will use the Gospel of Matthew. Understanding Matthew will enhance your worship for the whole year.

What will we study?

The day will be devoted to: The major themes of Matthew. Matthew’s original audience and how that message speaks to our contemporary life. How we can become more faithful disciples of Jesus according to Matthew.

Why should we attend? The day offers something for everyone.

  • Lectors who better understand Matthew’s Gospel can better proclaim the first reading for the congregation. The first readings at liturgy are chosen in light of the Gospel reading for that day.
  • Preachers who better understand the whole Gospel of Matthew and how passages flow from Sunday to Sunday, can preach in a more meaningful way for their congregations.
  • All worshipers who better understand the big picture of Matthew’s Gospel and the concerns that he was addressing, will better understand how to their lives can be transformed by the message of Jesus as seen through Matthew’s eyes.

What does it cost: $15 which includes lunch and snacks. Scholarships are available.

Presented by Fr. Ron Will, C.PP.S.


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