
Help! Save me!

February 19, 2025

By Fr. Garry Richmeier, C.PP.S.
What is the best approach to helping out someone in need? Most often, a team approach is needed. The helper and the “helpee” together look at options available and togther settle on what might actually be helpful. The old saying still holds here, “Two heads are better than one.”

We know we should cultivate silence in our lives. Why don’t we?

January 1, 2025

Scripture, science and experience tell us that we all should cultivate silence in our lives. If we know this, why do we resist it? If you want “to learn to better wait in silence,” a silent, directed retreat might be what you’re looking for.

The Art of Invitation

November 24, 2024

An Assembling God’s Puzzle video
By Fr. Garry Richmeier, C.PP.S.
Using threats, shame and guilt to gain another’s cooperation is expedient but ineffective over the long-run. On the other hand, inviting someone to join us in a common work or goal, respects the other, is more constructive and more often results in substantive and long-lasting change.

Take a Risk or Play it Safe? A Conundrum

October 5, 2024

By Fr. Garry Richmeier
If we are alive, we will experience hurt, pain, and suffering. Hurt is a very powerful piece of the puzzle of our lives, and if given the chance, it can rule our lives. So, it is crucial to figure out how to deal with hurt effectively so we avoid being controlled by it.

Change: It’s worth the effort

August 5, 2024

By Fr. Garry Richmeier
Sometimes change is as simple as pushing a button or asking someone to do something different, and first order change works. But it is good to recognize when more is needed, and step up to the challenge of second order change. It is harder, but is usually worth the work.

Argue, Debate, or Be Constructive?

July 12, 2024

An Assembling God’s Puzzle video
By Fr. Garry Richmeier
It seems to be part of our DNA to sort everything in life into two categories — right or wrong, good or bad. Of course, we are always on the “right” side and to demonstrate our “rightness” we demonize the other side and problems ensue. How can we break the cycle?

How to Catch a Monkey or Learning to Let Go

June 24, 2024

By Fr. Garry Richmeier
It’s human nature to hang on to things and resist letting them go. But by holding onto things that aren’t really important or necessary, we often imprison ourselves. We get caught like a monkey in trap.

Imagination: The Two-Edged Tool in the Human Toolbox

June 5, 2024

By Fr. Garry Richmeier
Imagination can be a powerful, creative force that we can use to solve problems, create things that make our lives better, and build community and relationships. But it is a two-edged sword. Watch the Video.

Fighting Evil vs. Doing Good

May 21, 2024

By Fr. Garry Richmeier
Fighting evil sounds noble and feels right. That makes sense, but it can causes problems if that is all we do. Instead of putting all our effort into fighting evil, we could put more effort into doing good. The difference is a subtle but important distinction.

Loss and Grief

April 30, 2024

An Assembling God’s Puzzle video
By Fr. Garry Richmeier
I like to compare grieving to composting. A person piles up stuff that is useless for growing things, like leaves and table scraps, “works” them, and eventually they turn into rich soil from which new life can sprout. Grieving follows a similar process.


Assembling God's Puzzle Coffee with Padre Cooking & Spirituality Encounters of the 4th Kind Family Matters Reflections on the Eucharsitic Prayers Spiritual Resources Taize Prayers The Contemplative Life Traveling with Pilgrims of Hope Uncategorized Videos Week of Prayer for Uhristian Unity When you need a little help

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