By Fr. Ron Will, CPPS
Welcome back to Precious Blood Renewal Center, as we continue our reflections about living in the season of the Holy Spirit. When we live under the influence of the Holy Spirit, we participate in a new creation.
I am sitting on the deck here at our Renewal Center and you can see just a small glimpse of our beautiful campus behind me. It is a small experience of a new creation. I wish I could invite you here in person, but that is not possible yet. Hopefully it will be soon.
The key concept that I will use today to help us understand what it means to live under the influence of the Holy Spirit is this glove.
The world around us becomes a new creation, because we allow the Holy Spirit to work through us — like the hand in a glove. The glove cannot do anything by itself, but when my hand is in it, it can do many things. True, it is not the glove, but my hand in the glove that does the work.
We are gloves. It is the Holy Spirit in us who is the hand, who does the work. We have to make room for the hand, so that every finger is filled.
That is our main task, if we want to do anything great for God. We need to make room for the hand of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit fills this hole in our life. It helps us make sense of life and helps us understand God’s purpose for our life. And the Holy Spirit gives us the power to accomplish what God has called us to accomplish.
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Apart from God we are nothing. With God, we have the power and responsibility to bring order out of chaos and light from darkness. We are most perfectly images of God when our words are used to display beauty and life. Through us God continues to order creation into sacred art. God works through us in our world today to continue to disperse the formless void and shatter the darkness.
Jesus said that as the Father sent him, so he sends us. And he breathed the Holy Spirit on us to empower us to do what he did. Christ has nobody on earth now but ours. We are the hands, the mouth, the feet of his body on Earth.
When we allow the Holy Spirit to work through us, like a hand in a glove, the new creation becomes more and more obvious.
Sit with that thought: You are empowered by the Holy Spirit and sent on mission.
Sing with me:
Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on me.
Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on me.
Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me.
Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on me.
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[Fr. Ron Will, a Precious Blood priest and spiritual director, is a graduate of Catholic Theological Union and Creighton University’s School of Christian Spirituality. He has a special interest in helping form intentional disciples of Jesus, encouraging others to go spiritually deep-sea diving to explore a deeper relationship with God, and walking with people as they dive into the ocean of God’s mystery actually experiencing God rather than simply dipping one’s toe into the water.]
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This article is being republished. It first appeared on July 28, 2020.
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