Advent Meditation Finding Hope in Uncertainty

“Finding Hope in Uncertainty” is an Advent meditation hosted by Precious Blood Renewal Center that uses scripture, spoken word and song to guide you on the Nativity journey of Mary and Joseph. This is a free video on-demand event available first published in December 2020.

This Advent is probably like no other Advent in your life experience. We find ourselves in the middle of a world pandemic when we cannot gather in one place for a large prayer experience. So we are inviting you to pray with us virtually today.

This Advent more than ever is the time to find hope in uncertainty.

Welcome to Advent 2020.

We need a savior perhaps more than ever. God wishes to be that savior for you today. We invite you to take a minute to settle your mind, let go of distractions. Put aside your to-do list for today.

This video on-demand event is available throughout the month of December.

If you create a space and an atmosphere in your own home, this prayer can be just as powerful for you as if we were in one location. If it is a meaningful prayer experience for you today, you may wish to return to the Precious Blood Renewal Center website and experience it again. At a later time during Advent.

Perhaps light a candle or place another symbol before you, which will help you focus on God. If you don’t have such a symbol handy, what would be a good symbol that you wish you had nearby? See it in your mind’s eye. Allow it to lead you to an awareness of God now.

Loving God of power and might,
you alone are the source of our peace.
We wait in hope for the coming of your kingdom.
Keep us watchful and ready. As we await
the glorious coming of your son,
Jesus Christ, our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the unity of the Holy Spirit.

One God forever and ever.


Music by Onelicense: Bread of Life (Advent/Christmas Setting) – Bernadette Farrell Words and Music – ©1982,1987 OCP1 Service. Waiting in Silence – Carey Landry Words and Music – ©2002 OCP.

Advent candle video © kramarek |

Images from Pixabay by falco, Eveline de Bruin, Ryan McGuire, Jan Vašek, Free-Photos, Anastasia Gepp, _Alicja_, janeb13, Herney Gómez, StockSnap, Grégory ROOSE, Devanath, JUNO KWON and fsHH.


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