July 27, 2021
By Lucia Ferrara
When I think about raising children who are strong, resilient, confident and independent, I always come back to three fundamental ideas: family, foundation and future.
July 7, 2021
By Lucia Ferrara
It’s summertime and your youth want to be outside — you want them outside, too, but you also want to make sure they are safe. Here are a few tips.
June 23, 2021
By Lucia Ferrara
A shared meal and conversation may be the most important thing you can do for your family. Research and my own experience show that table talk nourishes family members’ bodies and souls.
June 9, 2021
By Lucia Ferrara
Want your kids to be interested in something fun this summer? How about gardening? Gardening teaches patience and is filled with rewarding outcomes because you can enjoy the fruits of your labor!
May 26, 2021
By Lucia Ferrara
Summertime’s change of pace and schedules make it a perfect time for you and your family to learn practices that will help keep all spiritual healthy. Here are a few practical tips.
May 12, 2021
By Lucia Ferrara
Part 2. How do we teach our kids to reconnect and socialize after the isolation of the Coivd-19 pandemic? Here’s a few practical tips for you to try.
April 28, 2021
By Lucia Ferrara
Part 1. Now that we can begin to hope to see an end to the Covid Pandemic, many are asking what path we should take forward. Choosing joy and practicing gratitude can help us navigate our way.
April 14, 2021
By Lucia Ferrara
Children begin to learn about responsibility at an incredibly young age. Little things like brushing their teeth or picking up their toys lead to greater and more important lessons in learning responsibility.
March 16, 2021
By Lucia Ferrara
Springtime, for me, is always a reminder that life is not static; it’s a series of changes, transitions and transformations. It is also an opportunity for us to renew our minds, bodies and spirits.
March 3, 2021
By Lucia Ferrara
When we feel like chaos surrounds us and our young people, developing strategies that engage our creative sides can help us calm the storms of emotions.
Assembling God's Puzzle Coffee with Padre Cooking & Spirituality Encounters of the 4th Kind Family Matters Reflections on the Eucharsitic Prayers Spiritual Resources Taize Prayers The Contemplative Life Uncategorized Videos Week of Prayer for Uhristian Unity When you need a little help