
The First Sunday in Advent

December 1, 2024

A New Video Series: Coffee with Padre
By Fr. Timothy Armbruster, C.PP.S.
Advent begins with lighting the first candle on the Advent wreath. Our readings today speak of the three comings of Christ. The child born to Mary and Joseph. The Christ born in our hearts and shared each day of our lives. The Christ who will welcome use home.

Eucharistic Reflection: God at work in our midst

November 26, 2024

By Fr. Ron Will, C.PP.S.
This is the 11th video in a series on the Eucharistic prayers that we pray during Mass. The Eucharist is where we encounter Christ in this life, where we receive him. It’s the heart of our faith; which is why it’s called the “source and summit of the Christian life.”

The Art of Invitation

November 24, 2024

An Assembling God’s Puzzle video
By Fr. Garry Richmeier, C.PP.S.
Using threats, shame and guilt to gain another’s cooperation is expedient but ineffective over the long-run. On the other hand, inviting someone to join us in a common work or goal, respects the other, is more constructive and more often results in substantive and long-lasting change.

November Taize: Celebrate Those Upon Whose Shoulders We Stand

November 12, 2024

During November, we celebrate those who have gone before us, our ancestors upon whose shoulders we stand. We celebrate the Feast of All Saints, All Souls Day, Veterans Day, and Thanksgiving Day. We remember their positive influence on our lives.

New Videos Posted Sunday and Wednesday Mornings

November 7, 2024

Join Fr. Timothy as he breaks open the Word every Sunday and Wednesday throughout Advent. Scriptures during Advent urge us to “Prepare the way of the Lord.” What other messages do the Scriptures offer us during this time of year devoted to waiting and watching? Watch Here Beginning Dec. 1.

Prayer for Masses with Children I: God’s Message of Love

October 29, 2024

By Fr. Ron Will, C.PP.S.
You have joined 10th video in a series on the Eucharistic prayers that we pray during Mass. Let’s take a minute and look at the big picture of what happens at Mass and then reflect on Eucharistic Prayer for Masses with Children I: God’s Message of Love.

Cooking & Spirituality: Fall Cauliflower Loaded Casserole

October 24, 2024

By Lucia Ferrara
This is a quick-to-assemble casserole for cool autumn evenings. It can be the main dish or a side. It’s perfect for pot lucks or even tailgating parties.

Does Your Faith Inform Your Vote? the video

October 22, 2024

In this video, Fr. Mark Miller, CPPS, helps us examine the most pressing issues of the upcoming election, through the lens of Catholic Social Teaching. The workshop focuses on issues, not political parties or candidates.

Take a Risk or Play it Safe? A Conundrum

October 5, 2024

By Fr. Garry Richmeier
If we are alive, we will experience hurt, pain, and suffering. Hurt is a very powerful piece of the puzzle of our lives, and if given the chance, it can rule our lives. So, it is crucial to figure out how to deal with hurt effectively so we avoid being controlled by it.

October Taizé: St. Francis of Assisi and Prayers for Peace

October 4, 2024

As we gather on the vigil of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, with whom we associate prayers and a lifestyle promoting peace. We gather at a time when there are many parts of our world, and maybe even our own neighborhoods, are not places of peace.


Assembling God's Puzzle Coffee with Padre Cooking & Spirituality Encounters of the 4th Kind Family Matters Reflections on the Eucharsitic Prayers Spiritual Resources Taize Prayers The Contemplative Life Traveling with Pilgrims of Hope Uncategorized Videos Week of Prayer for Uhristian Unity When you need a little help

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