
Stilling Your Soul in Troubled Times — Part 3

October 19, 2020

Experiencing difficulties coping these days? Drawing on the Paschal Mystery tradition can help us to own these emotions, and trust in the promise that "this too will pass." And personal growth will have likely occurred.

Stilling Your Soul in Troubled Times — Part 2

October 12, 2020

By Kathy Keary
Part 2 of a 3-part series with ideas to ease stress, anxiety and depression in troubled times. Each of us also brought our own situations into mess that is 2020. Pre-existing dilemmas may be amplified by the challenges of today.

Stilling Your Soul in Troubled Times — Part 1

October 5, 2020

By Kathy Keary
We can uplift our spirits during these trying time. Over the next few weeks, we will offer ideas to help relieve the burden of this time in our lives. These are not novel approaches but stand as a reminder that our wellbeing to a great extent rests in our hands.

A Grace Filled Life: Creating Your Own Mission Statement

September 30, 2020

By Kathy Keary
Have you ever considered writing your own mission statement? Spiritual writer Marjorie J. Thompson says that a personal mission statement is a “way of ordering our lives to catch the wind of grace.”

Sabbath thinking: Rest for the Soul

September 23, 2020

By Kathy Keary
Spiritual renewal requires intentionality and priority setting. It’s imperative that we design our days, weeks, months, and years to include ample time for Sabbath rest. Our welfare depends on it.

Taming our False Self: Rediscovering, Reclaiming and Embracing Love

September 14, 2020

By Kathy Keary
We turn our attention to taming our false self as a path to rediscovering, reclaiming, and embracing the innocence, goodness and love of our true self. A prayer life that includes silence is paramount.

The Source of Our False Self

September 10, 2020

By Kathy Keary
As mentioned in our last article, Imprinted with the Image of God, Thomas Merton referred to the self we are to lose as the false self. A discussion on the formation of the false self will bring light to how we can tame it in order for the true self to shine forth.

Imprinted with the Image of God: Rediscovering Our True Self

August 31, 2020

I like to think of the true self as the soul God kissed as he placed it in our body when we were in our mother’s womb. This divine life God implanted in us is as pure as driven snow. Our soul is imprinted with the image of God waiting to be rediscovered, reclaimed, and embraced once again.

Spiritual Direction: A Path to Interior Freedom

August 24, 2020

By Kathy Keary Spiritual direction is not new. It enjoys a long history in many faith traditions. Fo...

Etched in the Landscape: Finding God in Creation

July 20, 2020

By Kathy Keary In our last article in the series, An Invitation to Something New: The Contemplative ...


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