
Embracing Unity: Teachings of Jesus and the Buddha

January 18, 2021

By Kathy Keary
Part 3. Martin Luther King Jr. Gandhi. Jesus. Buddha. They used different words, but their message was the same: Humans are meant to live together in unity and harmony and love can transform the world.

A Summons to Nonviolence: Teachings of Jesus and the Buddha

January 11, 2021

By Kathy Keary
Part 2. Many are dismayed by the gross acts of violence witnessed at our nation’s Capitol last week. Unease looms as continued unrest seems possible. We find a way forward in Jesus and Buddha’s teaching on non-violence.

Yearning for Peace: Teachings of Jesus and the Buddha

January 4, 2021

By Kathy Keary
Part 1. Our divided world thirsts for peace. Studying how two contemplatives — Jesus Christ and Buddha — proclaimed similar messages of peace will set us on a path to acceptance and harmony.

St. Joseph’s Challenge — Finding Hope in Uncertainty Part 3

December 7, 2020

By Kathy Keary
St. Joseph was challenged with uncertainty. As we conclude our Advent series, you are invited to use your imagination to walk in the shoes of Joseph. Allow Joseph’s story to speak to you.

Mary’s Challenge — Finding Hope in Uncertainty Part 2

November 30, 2020

By Kathy Keary
Here I present a guided mediation for Advent, this one based on the Announcement of the Birth of Jesus. You are invited to use your imagination as you enter into the mind and heart of Mary.

Our Challenge — Finding Hope in Uncertainty Part 1

November 23, 2020

By Kathy Keary
Activities that keep my mind focused on the present moment are lifesavers that not only relieve my mind of worries but seem to have a long-lasting calming effect and have increased my propensity to remain in the present moment.

Maintaining the Contemplative Life in a Divided World

November 16, 2020

By Kathy Keary
John’s Gospel tells us that they will know we are Jesus’ disciples “if you have love for one another” (John 13:35). It doesn’t say “if you love those with whom you agree.” This is a powerful statement in our divided country.

Pray without Ceasing – Really? Part 3

November 9, 2020

By Kathy Keary
The God who is “nearer to me than I am to myself,” who knows my heart through and through, comforts my weary soul as if to say, “Be not afraid. I am with you always.”

Pray Without Ceasing – Really? Part 2

November 2, 2020

By Kathy Keary
Part 2 of 3. Accepting God’s invitation to draw close is a first step in realizing an intimate bond with our Maker. As we grow in our relationship with God, we realize that God is not far off and aloof but very much a part of our daily life.

Pray without Ceasing — Really? Part 1

October 26, 2020

By Kathy Keary
Part 1 of 3. Writing to the Thessalonians, St. Paul challenges us to “pray without ceasing." Certainly, that does not mean that we are to be on our knees with hands folded and head bowed 24/7. So what does it mean?


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