August 24, 2021
We gather in August to pray for unity in this time of discord in our communities. We will pray for unity and recommit to reconciliation.
July 15, 2021
What summertime treat can you imagine that is better than ice cream? This home-made, extra creamy ice cream with fresh fruit doubles the deliciousness. No ice or ice cream machines needed.
July 2, 2021
The Renewal Center resumed in-person programming on July 1 with an ecumenical service in the Taizé style. The theme of the evening was Prayers for Healing and Renewal.
June 30, 2021
By Lucia Ferrara
Ten days ago, we made Amish Friendship Bread starter. Now it's time to put that starter to use by making two loaves of Cinnamon & Sugar Bread. You will also have enough starter leftover to give to friends and keep the circle unbroken.
June 16, 2021
By Lucia Ferrara
Are you looking for a way to spark a friendship or share some good cheer with a neighbor? Friendship Bread might be what you’re looking for. Today we make the starter. Next episode we’ll make the bread.
June 3, 2021
Thank you for joining us in prayer today, during a time in Kansas City, in the United States and around the world when there has been so much gun violence, causing death, heartache, and fear.
By Lucia Ferrara
Anticipating an abundance of zucchini in your garden this summer? Looking for recipes to take up the excess? Potato Zucchini Fritters might just be what you’re looking for.
May 18, 2021
Health issues that triggered a crisis in faith became an Emmaus moment, Deacon Ken Greene tells Fr. Ron Will, CPPS, in this last installment of our Easter video series, Journey to Emmaus in Contemporary Scenes.
May 11, 2021
This week two students in the Confirmation program at the Church of the Annunciation parish in Kearney, Missouri, talk with Fr. Ron Will about times in their lives when, like the disciples on the road to Emmaus,” a light went on” in their faith lives.”
St. Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 3:1-3, “You are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by all … written not in ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets that are hearts of flesh.”
Assembling God's Puzzle Coffee with Padre Cooking & Spirituality Encounters of the 4th Kind Family Matters Reflections on the Eucharsitic Prayers Spiritual Resources Taize Prayers The Contemplative Life Uncategorized Videos Week of Prayer for Uhristian Unity When you need a little help