
Failure: When you can’t avoid it, what to do about it?

January 11, 2023

An Assembling God’s Puzzle video
By Fr. Garry Richmeier, CPPS.
No one likes failure, but we just can’t get away from it. We experience many failures in life, like gaining weight when we try to lose it, our business fails, we get fired, we don’t get the grade we wanted. Can we situate this puzzle piece in our lives so it doesn’t cause so much pain?

The ‘Why’ Conundrum, an Assembling God’s Puzzle video

November 29, 2022

“Why did I get ill?” “Why did my loved one have to die?” “Why haven’t I met the right person to marry?” God throws many more puzzle pieces into our lives every day, like new events or new relationships. A very human reaction is to ask “Why?”

Stumbling Blocks to Clear Communication

November 1, 2022

By Fr. Garry Richmeier, CPPS.
You would think that as often as we humans communicate with each other, we’d be very good at it by now. Truth is, we often are not very good at communicating clearly. Why is that?

How You Got Here, an Assembling God’s Puzzle video

October 17, 2022

By Fr. Garry Richmeier, CPPS.
Think about all that has happened to you today, all the different events and details that have led up to now. Look at the year in the same way. Imagine all the billions of things that had to happen the way they did in our history to get us to this exact point in time. Is it all due to chance?

Sandpaper People, an Assembling God’s Puzzle video

October 4, 2022

By Fr. Garry Richmeier, CPPS.
One common life puzzle piece that we all deal with is difficult people. We avoid them when we can, but if they are our boss, in-law or family member, we can’t avoid them. So how do we fit them into our lives in a better way? I like to call them “Sandpaper people.”

New Video Series: Assembling God’s Puzzle

September 20, 2022

By Fr. Garry Richmeier
The people I've worked with over my 39 years as a priest and 28 years as a licensed marriage and family counselor have taught me a lot about living life, especially what works and doesn’t. In this new video series, I pass on some of these life lessons.

Ecumenical Prayer Service for Healing

February 13, 2022

The Renewal Center welcomed about 35 people in-person and another 20 online for this annual service marking the World Day of the Sick. Watch the video for the full service.

Respect Life Video Series: Elder Abuse Awareness

October 6, 2021

In the first of our five-week study session on deepening our awareness of the meaning of “respect for life,” we meet Julie Kuzera and Nanna Cross of the Jane Addams Senior Caucus in Chicago, who are activists in the cause of exposing and preventing elder abuse.

Grieving: Healing from Loss

January 24, 2021

We’ve all experienced loss in many ways over the last year. This can create a heavy burden to carry. Learn how grieving can help heal. Fr. Garry Richmeier is joined by Annette D'Angelo and Marge Lavenburg for this free video on-demand program.

Some things you should know about suicide

November 17, 2020

By Fr. Garry Richmeier, CPPS
Nobody really wants to talk about suicide. It's a scary subject, so people tend to ignore it or not talk about it. But you can't solve a problem without talking about it. You can't find help if you don't talk about it.


Assembling God's Puzzle Coffee with Padre Cooking & Spirituality Encounters of the 4th Kind Family Matters Reflections on the Eucharsitic Prayers Spiritual Resources Taize Prayers The Contemplative Life Traveling with Pilgrims of Hope Uncategorized Videos Week of Prayer for Uhristian Unity When you need a little help

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