The Renewal Center welcomed about 35 people in-person and another 20 online for this annual service marking the World Day of the Sick. Here are some of the prayers from that service. Watch the video for the full service.
You can download a program for the service here: Order of Service for Ecumenical Healing Service.
We all come here today carrying some kind of pain. As you wait for our Healing Prayer Service to begin, tell Jesus about your pain — be it physical, emotional or spiritual. Ask him questions and share your thoughts and feelings with him. This is how you kneel down with humble faith. Then ask him to heal you. Keep acknowledging your need and keep asking in faith. Your troubles may not dissolve instantly, but Jesus will pour his love into every area of your heart that is hurting. His love is the core healing we all need and desire, and this love will heal you, perhaps in ways you can’t even imagine.
Opening Praver
Lord, you invite all who are burdened to come to you. In that spirit, we come in prayer asking for your healing touch on those who suffer from injury, illness or other heavy burdens.
Touch their hearts with your courage and infinite love. Teach them to reach out to you in their need, and help them to lead others to you by their example. Bring them health in body and spirit that they may serve you with all their strength. Touch gently their lives, which you have created for your glory, now and forever. Amen.
A reading from the Gospel of Mark 1:29-34
Prayers of Petition
God of Compassion, we pray for all those in need of recovery from illness or injury. Grant them your power, which turns sickness into health and suffering into joy. We pray:
God of Compassion, we pray for all who are suffering in our families, those we are aware of and those whose suffering is known to you alone. Grant them mercy and relief, forbearance and renewed life. We pray:
God of Compassion, we pray for family and friends. Grant them resilience and gentleness, patience and faithfulness. Let their hope be in you, and by their ministry of love let your love be known. We pray:
God of Compassion, we pray for those who serve to heal others.
Bless and guide physicians, nurses, technicians, and all others who work for healing. Grant them wisdom and skill, compassion and patience. We pray:
Prayer for the Sick
God of hope and healing, Be with those whose bodies burn with fever, rage with pain, struggle for breath, cry out for limbs that used to be, or crave addictive substances.
Be with those whose minds and emotions face the wait of a diagnosis, wrestle with the choices for treatment, adapt to a life altered by chronic illness, recover from abuse, or push against the encroaching clouds of dementia.
Be with those whose spirits are exhausted by the quest for health doubt the existence of love question the fairness of life or stare into the face of death Cool the fever, bring balm to the pain, ease the fight for air, adapt the body for new ways to move, and calm the cravings. Ease anxiety and fear. Build trust in your everlasting love and care. God of all, hear our prayer. Amen.
Closing Prayer
May God bless you and keep you.
May God’s face shine upon you and be gracious to you.
May God uncover his face to you and bring you peace. Amen.
Music in the video and worship aid isused with permission under, #A-725830
By Lucia Ferrara
This is my dad’s recipe for Winter Minestrone Soup. He said it was made the way his mom made it. Your family is sure to enjoy it as much I did growing up and as my kids do today. Watch the Video Now.
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