By Fr. Ron Will, C.PP.S.
You have joined number 12 in a series of videos on the Eucharistic prayers which we pray during Mass. This series is entitled: “The Eucharist: The Gift that keeps on giving, and giving, and giving.”
Eucharistic revival is so important in today’s world, because people desperately need this encounter with Jesus that can happen during Mass. Whether we are conscious of it or not, when we enter church for Mass, God is already there and he is smiling at us with love as we enter.
As we begin Mass, we become conscious of his gaze of love. He longs to get close to us. So, it is important that we invite him to do so.
I’ve noticed in my own life that when I sing the Opening Song, often I am just going through the motions. I am focused on singing the correct words and the correct melody, but I am not talking to God. I am not engaging in a conversation with God. I am not even smiling as God is smiling and gazing at me with love. I am in my own private world. Maybe the same is true for you
So, it is appropriate that we say, “I am so sorry, God!” Lord have mercy. Christ have mercy. Lord have mercy.”
If you have been following this series, you know that there 13 Eucharistic Prayers from which the presider may choose for various reasons. Today we are going to focus on Eucharistic Prayer – I, also known as the Roman Canon, which is the oldest Eucharistic Prayer in the memories of most of us who are listening today.
We are celebrating three events during every Mass: the Passion and death, the Resurrection, and the Ascension of Jesus.
Notice also that the same Jesus who was born in Bethlehem, who walked the earth, who suffered and died on the cross, who rose from the dead and is now seated at the right hand of the Father – that same Jesus Christ is really, truly, substantially present in every Mass and in every Tabernacle. He is there so that you can receive him in Holy Communion and become one with him. He is there so that you can encounter him, adore him, and be changed into him.
The Eucharist tells me that God loves me enough to give his life for me. We’ve got to remember that it cost Jesus his life to give us the Eucharist. He had to pour out his Body and Blood in order to give it to us, and so in this way, the Eucharist tells me how beloved I am.
Thank you for joining me today, as I reflected on Eucharistic Prayer – I.
This is the last episode in my Series on the Eucharistic Prayers.
I hope that you have found them helpful and that they are leading you to better encounters with God each time that you celebrate Mass.
Look for new offerings coming from Precious Blood Renewal Center in the new year.
May God bless you today and into the new year.
All of the videos in this series can be found here: Reflections on the Eucharistic Prayers.
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[Fr. Ron Will, a Precious Blood priest and spiritual director, is a graduate of Catholic Theological Union and Creighton University’s School of Christian Spirituality. He has a special interest in helping form intentional disciples of Jesus, encouraging others to go spiritually deep-sea diving to explore a deeper relationship with God, and walking with people as they dive into the ocean of God’s mystery actually experiencing God rather than simply dipping one’s toe into the water.]
Eucharistic Prayer I: An Encounter with Jesus’ Love | ID 340387409 © Vadreams |
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