Eucharistic Reflection: God at work in our midst

‘The Eucharist: The Gift That Keeps on Giving … and giving, and giving.’

By Fr. Ron Will, C.PP.S.

You have joined number 11 in a series of videos on the Eucharistic prayers which we pray during Mass. We call the series “The Eucharist: The Gift that keeps on giving, and giving, and giving.”

If you have been following this series, you know that there 13 different Eucharistic Prayers from which the presider may choose.

Today we are going to focus on the “Eucharistic Prayer for Various Needs and Occasions – II.” This was formerly known as the “Swiss Synod Eucharistic Prayer” (in use since 1974). The Latin version of this prayer was published in 1991, and the English translation formally approved in 1994.

God is at work in our midst. Our God is not watching us from a distance. Our God did not create us, and then like a clock maker, leave us to run on our own. Our God takes an active role in our daily activity.

God led the ancient people of Israel through the Sinai desert and that same God is now journeying with His Church on earth, leading it to the eternal joy of Heaven.

God actively journeys with us because he loves us.

He didn’t just give us the Bible to read, but he actively opens the Scriptures for us to understand and apply to our present life situations.

The Eucharist is where we encounter Christ in this life. It’s where we receive him. It’s the heart of our faith; it’s why it’s called the “source and summit of the Christian life.”

Thank you for joining me today. I invite you to join me again next month, for our final reflection in the series on “The Eucharist: The Gift that just keeps on giving, and giving, and giving.”

All of the videos in this series can be found here: Reflections on the Eucharistic Prayers.

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[Fr. Ron Will, a Precious Blood priest and spiritual director, is a graduate of Catholic Theological Union and Creighton University’s School of Christian Spirituality. He has a special interest in helping form intentional disciples of Jesus, encouraging others to go spiritually deep-sea diving to explore a deeper relationship with God, and walking with people as they dive into the ocean of God’s mystery actually experiencing God rather than simply dipping one’s toe into the water.]

Photo ID 325718101 | Journey © Wolfhound911 |

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