By Lucia Ferrara
I started a Women’s study series at Precious Blood Renewal Center this fall. Over the five Wednesdays in September, about 15 women and I are exploring how richly God indulges us with His love and grace every day. Each week we learn about a different aspect of God’s grace and how it affects our daily lives.
What is great about this series is that it is a chocolate-themed Bible series, which gives women of all faiths, no faith and those who are not convinced they should attend a church activity that extra nudge to come. This Bible series is intentional in its purpose. It is for women to grow in relationships with each other as they grow their personal relationship with God. I feel that any woman, young or seasoned in their faith journey, can feel right at home with our weekly discussions.
You are probably asking yourself why is she talking about a Woman’s Bible series in a Family Matters article? I asked myself the same question, but I keep being reminded by the Holy Spirit that women are usually the nucleus of the family and when Momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy! Mothers, wives, sisters, aunts, caregivers — whoever you are — we need to feed our minds, bodies, and souls with God’s grace to take care of His kingdom. This means taking care of not only others in our lives that matter to us but ourselves as well.
Read about Lucia’s program: Mystic Chocolate for Body and Soul.
All the articles in the Family Matters series are available here.
I believe there is power in relationships. Building each other up is very important. Encouraging one another is crucial. No one wants to be put down or made to feel unimportant or not special. We are human and humans need spiritual nourishment and love. This Bible series offers just that.
Not only are we building each other up spiritually, we are also nourishing our bodies with food. It seems that where food is on the table, there are great discussions and fellowship. We all can benefit from a network of strong peers, but women especially find these packs to create bonds that form into long-lasting friendships. Even if they come from seemingly diverse backgrounds, they find they share many similarities in interests, faith and life experiences.
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God’s grace is transforming. God takes each one of us in our messiness and creates a masterpiece. I believe this is where we can find our purpose. In our series, I talk metaphorically about how we can transform food with chocolate and how it can be such a sweet experience. God wants to renovate our lives every day in new ways. Those moments of transformation can make a world of difference in your life and in the lives of your families and friends around you. That is itself is so very sweet.
Mariela Dabbah, an Argentina-born entrepreneur and success coach for early-career Latinas, likes to say that “Women who support other women are confident, generous, visionaries.”
With God’s grace let us women support each other and see that incredible things do indeed happen! I encourage you to take time out of your daily grind and reflect on how God’s grace has changed in your life. Share your stories and faith journey with your family and friends and watch how God moves in the world.
[Lucia Ferrara is the Director of Hospitality at Precious Blood Renewal Center and the lead organizer here of Parent Cafes. Share your thoughts with Lucia or ask her questions by using the form below or sending an email to Read more about the Parent Café here.]
Photo 72993281 © Zeljko Dangubic |
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The smudges of ashes on foreheads on Ash Wednesday are a powerful, sometimes moving, witness of the power of God’s love to draw all back to the Creator. But what do you do, after the ashes rub off?
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