Family Matters: Honoring Your Inner Wisdom

By Lucia Ferrara

Are you struggling with clarity or courage within yourself? Do you listen to your soul, your heart, that deep down feeling in your gut? We need to learn to channel those feelings and listen for our own inner wisdom and truth. We know how we feel. We can tell when something is wrong or right in any particular situation.

Sometimes in life, we encounter situations that are out of whack. For example, maybe at work, something came up about a business decision that was made and you reacted strongly to it. In that very moment, you knew you should have kept your mouth shut. Your gut told you not to open your mouth, but you did! Things slowly begin to go downhill as if you had stepped into some portal of negative divergent energy with your co-workers. You feel it, they felt it.

You created this divergent energy by not honoring your own inner truth or wisdom.

All the articles in the Family Matters series are available here.

I know this has happened to me, too. Similar things can happen with the family, maybe during dinner or maybe during a conversation with your kids about school or friendships. Whatever the situation may be, we as individuals need to learn to assess our deep inner knowledge. This might help us to be better or compliant in those moments.

How do we do this? We need to give ourselves grace. Give yourself permission to forgive yourself for not listening to your inner being. We need to ask ourselves to dive deeper inward and ask questions and listen to find our own answers. It takes power and courage to do this. So love and respect yourself as well.

According to an article written by Sharon Martin, LCSW, on the website Psych Central, “When you love yourself, you have an overall positive view of yourself.” Do not be so critical of yourself. Honoring your own inner wisdom is both liberating and healing. However, this can be a painful process. You have to learn to let feelings be feelings; acknowledge them but don’t let them control you. Emotions have energy and how we use our energy is part of the path to honoring our inner wisdom.

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Find ways to spend time with yourself. Maybe it’s taking a walk in the park or a trail. Maybe it’s taking a yoga class or painting class with a friend. Creating your own space for prayer or meditation can also be a good way to spend time with yourself and listen for your inner wisdom to speak to you.

I have been on a spiritual journey for the last six months with a prayer guide on a spiritual directed retreat. It has definitely taught me to create my own space and sit with my feelings and listen for that inner voice, those inner thoughts that come to mind and I journal my experience. But more importantly, it has given me the power to deepen my relationship with my Divine Maker and find that energy to channel or discern my inner wisdom.

Let me tell you it also has been very challenging as well. Finding time for myself has not been easy, but it is one way I honor my inner wisdom by creating that space for me!

I hope you can find a way to honor your inner wisdom and give yourself permission to dive deeper into your soul and find peace.

[Lucia Ferrara is the Director of Hospitality at Precious Blood Renewal Center and the lead organizer here of Parent Cafes. Share your thoughts with Lucia or ask her questions by using the form below or sending an email to Read more about the Parent Café here.]

Photo 167117613 © Irina Krolevetc |

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