Family Matters: Summer trips your family will cherish

By Lucia Ferrara

What does summer look like for you and your family? Do you all go on vacation? Staycation? Weekend trips? Day trips? Well, anything is worth doing if you can afford it and have the time to make it happen.

These adventures are important to the individual and the entire family. It builds bonds and memories that last a lifetime.

The first thing you need to do is carve out the time. Our children should be on our priority lists and carving out time to spend together as a family makes the kids know they are important enough to spend time together.

All the articles in the Family Matters series are available here.

Cultivating family bonds builds healthy relationships and spirituality in the family. According to Jesse Florea, writing on the Focus on the Family website, “One study in Sweden found that people who returned from a vacation were happier and more relaxed.”  I bet that these same people found themselves more productive at work and happier at home upon returning from vacation.

For my family, we look at these summer trips as a chance for new experiences. Visiting places and spending time there is different than reading about it or seeing it on television. Several years ago, we took the kids on a trip to the West to see the Grand Canyon. It was magical! It was so spectacular and meaningful to each of us in unique ways. Not to mention that exploring one of God’s coolest creations became a spiritual experience as well.

Traveling with your family not only strengthens family bonds but also can be teachable moments. For example, planning the trip together can instruct kids about organization, time management, and the value of money. Encouraging children to save up for the upcoming trip is important. It opens the door to the financial world. This is a fantastic opportunity for teaching your kids about being a good steward of money God has given them through their allowances from chores at home or their job at the local grocery store.

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Moreover, in addition to finances, taking trips as a family increase social awareness.  Whether traveling around your community, state, national parks, or even the world, you are teaching your kids about different lifestyles, customs, ethnic groups, and much more. This helps develop a sense to value humanity and respect other ways of living.

All in all, traveling with family can be challenging but in the end, the memories are lifelong and priceless.  I hope you take time out this summer to enjoy a trip, whether it’s a quick one or a 2-week vacation with your family.

Vacationing helps all of us to gain new perspectives on life, and promotes exploring and experiencing new languages, new cuisine and traditions. Cherish these memories with your family because they leave a long-lasting impact on everyone’s happiness throughout life.

[Lucia Ferrara is the Director of Hospitality at Precious Blood Renewal Center and the lead organizer here of Parent Cafes. Share your thoughts with Lucia or ask her questions by using the form below or sending an email to Read more about the Parent Café here.]

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