“How do you pray when you’re hurting” is a theme Sarah Garone explores in her latest essay on the website Busted Halo. She begins:
“Whether you’re laid low with something acute, like the flu, or something chronic you struggle with all year long, it can be tough to find comfort for your soul when your body feels so wretched. Thankfully, the Bible offers a wealth of encouragement for such times.”
Garone goes on to write about the pslams, those ancient Hebrew songs that speak so movingly to different stages in our lives as individuals and communities. Gardone says:
“Though you may have read the psalms in the midst of other trials in the past, perhaps it’s time for a fresh look at how they can serve as a source of hope and comfort for illness.”
Garone then presents five psalms to turn to when you’re feeling bad and hurting. You can read her full essay here: 5 Psalms for When You’re Sick. Here is just one sample:
Psalm 38: You’re not in this alone
… [I]n Psalm 38, where David offers up a litany of his sufferings. “There is no health in my body,” he laments. His wounds “fester and are loathsome,” his back “is filled with searing pain.” To me, it’s good to read that my suffering is not unique. There’s solidarity in remembering that even (or especially) God’s beloved saints have endured illnesses just as bad—or far worse—than mine.
Sarah Garone is a Catholic wife, mom, nutritionist, food blogger, and freelance writer in Mesa, Arizona. Besides writing for Busted Halo, she also blogs at “A Love Letter to Food.”
If you are looking for a sense of spiritual healing and renewal, please consider joining us for “Circle of Love: A Support Group for People Living with Chronic Illness.” Join us as we gather for meditative prayer and contemplative sharing. The next gathering is Jan. 31 and will be facilitated by spiritual director Kathy Keary. For details or to register, visit this page.
All are welcome.
During the season of Lent, God calls us to turn toward him and develop a more personal relationship. The first episode of this Lenten series begins with a song by John Foley, “Turn to Me.” Fr. Ron says of this song, “It sets the tone of this reflection and the reflections to come. It also speaks to the anxiety some of us are experiencing.
The smudges of ashes on foreheads on Ash Wednesday are a powerful, sometimes moving, witness of the power of God’s love to draw all back to the Creator. But what do you do, after the ashes rub off?
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