The Church is a community of believers, who offers healing in body, mind, and spirit, as Jesus did. That calls us to be a light of healing for all people in any kind of need. Our gathering tonight is one means of this kind of prayer with one another and for one another. In this way the Church and her members are instruments of healing.
We as Church are called to have a positive impact on our United States, bringing God’s transforming love and compassion to all segments of our nation. We pray tonight for ourselves and for our nation.
Download a program for the service here: Taize Service Worship Aid for July 7, 2022.
Introduction to Service
We as Church are called to have a positive impact on our United States, bringing God’s transforming love and compassion to all segments of our nation. We pray tonight for ourselves and for our nation.
When we were baptized, we became adopted daughters and sons of God, and members of the Church, the living Body of Christ. Jesus Christ healed the sick, cast out demons, and forgave sinners through his touch, words, and presence. As St. Theresa of Avila once said, Christ has no body on earth now but ours. I invite you to renew your union with him by blessing this water which recalls our baptism. Jesus was moved with compassion when people came to him for healing, may we as Church, sprinkle our world with the compassion of Jesus Christ.
Closing Prayer
God and Father of us all, you became flesh in your Son, Jesus Christ, who healed people when he walked the earth. May we, your Church, continue his healing ministry by offering courage to those who are afraid, hope to those in despair, support to those who are alone, and light to any who dwell in darkness.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, the Divine Physician, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. Amen.
Thank you for coming. Please join us again on August 4
Photo 118400615 / Communion of Saints © Fotoandvideo | Music in this Worship Aid was reprinted with permission under, #A-725830
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