The recording of our second Saturday program in the Renewal Center’s Respect Life Challenge is now available.
In the second of our five-week study session on deepening our awareness of the meaning of “respect for life,” Precious Blood Sr. Donna from the Precious Blood Ministry of Reconciliation introduces us to two women who lost their sons to violence of Chicago streets. Both mothers found healing in activism against violence and in prison reform.
Maria Pike’s son was shot and killed at the age of 21. Maria now serves on the board of Chicago Survivors and is the Gun Violence Lead for the Illinois chapter of Moms Demand Action. When I help other moms, I found that it moved me away from my grief,” Maria said. “Also I felt that that is what my son would wanted.”
Julie Anderson’s son was convicted of committing murder and at age 15 received a life sentence with no chance for parole. He’s now spent a quarter century in prison. Julie now serves as outreach manager for Restore Justice Illinois and helps keep families in touch with inmate relatives serving long sentences in the state’s prison system.
Read more about our respect life series and watch recordings of the programs here.
Topics for the rest of the month are:
Oct 16 — Abolishing the Death Penalty
We will meet individuals who are working toward alternatives to the death penalty and will learn why they believe so strongly that all life must be treated with respect. Guest speakers: Jean Swymeler, Connie Swymeler, and Margaret D’Huyvetter from Missourians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty.
Oct 23 — Preventing Gun Violence
Gun violence is a growing concern in our country. We will meet two priests who addressed that situation in their parish ministry. We will learn what they did and why. Guest speakers: Fathers Joseph Uecker, C.PP.S., and Mike Goode C.PP.S.
Oct. 30 — Grieving Miscarriage or Stillborn
We will meet mothers who have lost a child through a miscarriage or a stillbirth. They will tell us about the grieving process and how to find ongoing support. Guest Speakers: Kara Palladino, Colleen Sullivan, and Deacon Gerard-Marie Anthony from A Mom’s Peace, in Virginia.
All sessions run from 10-11:30 a.m. central time. Register to attend in person or join via live stream.
During the season of Lent, God calls us to turn toward him and develop a more personal relationship. The first episode of this Lenten series begins with a song by John Foley, “Turn to Me.” Fr. Ron says of this song, “It sets the tone of this reflection and the reflections to come. It also speaks to the anxiety some of us are experiencing.
The smudges of ashes on foreheads on Ash Wednesday are a powerful, sometimes moving, witness of the power of God’s love to draw all back to the Creator. But what do you do, after the ashes rub off?
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