Roots of Injustice, Seeds of Change Oct 14

Toward Right Relations with Native Peoples

A dramatization of the historical interaction between European colonizers and America’s indigenous people

Monday October 14th 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
$20 suggested donation
all proceeds support the right relations project

This workshop is for everyone living in America. It was developed in response to call to faith communities issued by two very different organizations: the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and the World Council of Churches.

Indigenous and religious leaders are urging all people to take a deep look at the Doctrine of Discovery, the 15th century papal edict that justified European subjugation of non-Christian peoples. Through it, Pope Nicholas V authorized European Christian nations to ”invade, capture, vanquish, and subdue all … pagans and other enemies of Christ … to reduce their persons to perpetual slavery … to take away all their possessions and property.”

Using Interactive dramatization, “Roots of Injustice, Seeds of Change” will raise your level of knowledge and concern about the historical and ongoing impacts of the Doctrine of Discovery. We will explore how we can begin to take actions toward “right relationship.”

If you have any interest in or you are curious to learn more about the native people of our country, you will benefit, deeply, from this workshop, which illustrates the impact of this doctrine, past and present.

Download a flyer that you can print and share.

Jan Owens, a member of the Mid American Indian Fellowships, is a Cherokee Clan Mother of the Daksi Band in Butler, Missouri. For four years, Jan has helped present “Roots of Injustice, Seeds of Change: Toward Right Relations with Native Americans,” an interactive look at the traumas of Native Americans over the past 500 years.

What attendees have said about this program:

Brett Shelton (Lakota), staff attorney, Native American Rights Fund: “This workshop is an innovative and impactful step towards healing. Working with the truth that has never been told about the American myth is vital to all of us in our country if we are to move forward in a more healthy way.”

Jim Grant, Acadiana Friends Meeting, Louisiana: “Like everyone else I asked, I did not know about the Doctrine of Discovery. The workshop was an amazing experience that I expect to remember till my dying day. The mix of clear statements, together with the experimental learning, sent those lessons deep into my understanding.”

Nicole Larson, student, Naropa University, Colorado: “I respect very much the talking circle after the exercise. This program brought up emotions that I haven’t let myself feel for a while. Now I am ready for action and my mind is spinning with ideas.

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For more information:
• Online:
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• Phone: 816-415-3745


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