June 8, 2020
By Kathy Keary
We've looked at the background and mechanics of Focusing. Now, I will discuss the topic on a more personal level covering a few points about my own experience of focusing in hopes that it will encourage you to give this life-giving practice a try.
June 4, 2020
Many among us feel torn, disrupted and disturbed. We need a safe space to find God’s peaceful rule amidst this brokenness. We need a safe place, not to hide, but to recharge and renew ourselves to work for justice.
May 27, 2020
By Kathy Keary
Society teaches us to suppress our feelings and to distract ourselves from our emotions rather than to care for them. If you found a way to listen to the wisdom of your emotions as revealed in your body and care for them in a life-giving way, would you try it?
May 26, 2020
By Kathy Keary In our series on contemplative living, an element that stands out is that prayer goes...
May 19, 2020
By Kathy Keary
Six months after incorporating centering prayer into my day, I noticed a shift in my inner world. I felt a calm — a sense of peace that found its way into my response to life. This is the fourth part of my four-part series on centering prayer and contemplation.
May 13, 2020
By Kathy Keary
In our last two articles, we explored the sacred symbols of the word, the breath, and the image. Over time our use of a sacred symbol will diminish. We will no longer rely on it to take us to a place deep within where we commune with the living God. In Part 3, we go deeper into the silence.
May 12, 2020
By Fr. Ron Will This meditation is based on the Matthew 28: 16-20. Welcome back to Precious Blood Re...
May 11, 2020
By Kathy Keary
In our introduction to centering prayer, we discussed using the sacred word as a method of expressing our intent to be open to the indwelling presence and action of God in the deepest center of our being. We now turn our attention to other sacred symbols: the breath and the image.
May 7, 2020
The Coronavirus pandemic has rapidly transformed life as we know it for lots of people across the wo...
May 6, 2020
Kathy Keary begins a four-part series on centering prayer and contemplation. Kathy gives us a step-by-step introduction to this Christian practice that can be traced back to the 14th century.