Fr. Tim Coday updated the community on his ministry in the Tanzanian missions at a presentation Oct. 25, 2021 at Precious Blood Renewal Center in Liberty, Missouri.
Fr. Tim has ministered in Tanzania, East Africa, for more than 35 years. He began a new phase of his ministry in 2019 when the Precious Blood Tanzanian Province asked him to rehab and revive a Health Facility in Malongwe, a small town in a very rural area of western Tanzania.
He also serves as associate pastor in St. Charles Luwanga Parish, which covers 11 towns and a vast area. In this video, Fr. Tim shared photographs and videos and tell lots of stories from his time in Malongwe.
The smudges of ashes on foreheads on Ash Wednesday are a powerful, sometimes moving, witness of the power of God’s love to draw all back to the Creator. But what do you do, after the ashes rub off?
By Lucia Ferrara
This is my dad’s recipe for Winter Minestrone Soup. He said it was made the way his mom made it. Your family is sure to enjoy it as much I did growing up and as my kids do today. Watch the Video Now.
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