Today’s Readings
By Fr. Timothy Armbruster, C.PP.S.
We begin this season of Advent as we light the first candle of the wreath. We enter into this wonderful time of anticipated waiting. And what is it that we are awaiting? The coming of Christ.
For whatever reason it seems to take me a bit of time to get into the mood of Advent. Maybe it’s because of the weather, maybe because of the holiday season and just having celebrated Thanksgiving. Or maybe it’s because of past Advents. Although it’s been many years since I graduated college, Advent stirs memories of my college days.
As a college student, Advent for me has always been connected with end of the semester, finals, and getting ready to head home for the holidays. Because of this, Advent never started for me until the second or third Sunday. That first Sunday was always caught up in the busy-ness of school. And then as soon as I finished with finals, it was a mad dash for those last-minute Christmas gifts and then head home to see family.
I often thought how great it would be to some quiet time between Thanksgiving and Advent. Just some time to shift from one celebration to the next. Time doesn’t stop. We just jump from one thing to the next and keep right on going.
We enter into this season of Advent, a time of expectation, for the coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ not just at Christmas but into our lives today.
In the first reading from the prophet Jeremiah, Jeremiah declares that the days are coming when God will fulfill the promise he made to the house of Israel and Judah about raising for David, a just shoot. In the gospel of Luke, Jesus states that our redemption would come through after the tribulations of those days when frightening things would happen following remarkable changes in the universe.
Our readings today speak to us of the three comings of Christ. The coming of Christ long ago in the manger. The child born to Mary and Joseph. The second coming of Christ. Christ is born in our hearts and shared each day of our lives. The Christ that is among us today in the hearts and lives of believers and followers. Those who take his words to heart and live them in service each and every day. And the third coming of Christ, at the end of time. The Christ of judgment, The Christ of welcoming us home.
In the busy-ness of my life, where do I find the time for me? Where do I find the time for others? Where do I find the time for God in my life?
We light the first candle of Advent. The candle of Hope, the “Prophet’s Candle” reminds us that Jesus is coming.
All of the videos in this series can be found here: Coffee with Padre.
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[Fr. Timothy Armbruster is a Precious Blood priest whose ministry has focused on parish work and retreats for youth and young adults. He holds a Master’s of Divinity Degree from Catholic Theological Union and describes himself as “a clown at heart.” Fr. Timothy incorporates clown ministry into his work to open our hearts, to seek laughter and happiness, and to see the world around us a bit differently. “In the stuffiness of life, we need God’s humor to see things anew,” he says.]
ID 137219174 | Advent © Nicole Lienemann |
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